
Showing posts from January, 2018

My compulsion

I have a compulsion: When my brain is idle, ie I'm just looking out of my head, I often start to count letters in words. I try to divide words into two equally long parts since I was about 13 years old. For exemple, exxe-mple. x counts for two. LLev-ente. MMatéé-riauxx. fils*d-e*pute. TThe*for*c-e*awwakens. Sometimes I do entire sentences. The rules are many and wildly complicated for spaces, accents and the *signs (fillers for odd character counts). I have prefected this word-splitting throughout the years. I can't not do it. Whenever I leave my brain blank, the character-counting starts. On one level, it gives me some kind of weird satisfaction, yet I also hate it and would erase it from my mind if I could. I recently looked it up and it is a form of OCD. The system by which I cound letters has evolved greatly throughout the years, although most of the rules were established by the time I was about 16. here are some of the rules: Capital letters co