
Showing posts from March, 2018

Climate change is OK.

You think we should act to reverse climate change? You think we have a chance at it? I think we are hypocrites about our ability to undo our vices. But most importantly, we don't know about our own hypocrisy, because it hides behind the curtain of consciousness. I invite you to have a short mental game with me. 80% of this game will play out in the first part, where we lay out the facts. 2 groups of phenomena will be considered: Thermodynamics and Economics a) Thermodynamics 1. The Earth is warming. 2. Sea levels are rising and the rate of rise is increasing. 3. CO₂ concentration is up 60% compared to the pre-industrial era. 4. CO₂ leads to greenhouse warming. 5. CO₂ output has been increasing. 6. The oceans act as a thermal buffer 7. Positive feedback loop phenomena could lead to further warming (albedo, permafrost methane, forest fires) b) Economics 8. Most humans will do whatever it takes to put bread on the table.     Some humans are short-sighted.     Most

Slavery: the different levels.

Slavery in our societies is formally abolished. But when you look at the world carefully, you will find slavery everywhere. Take the obvious exemple: farm animals. The system around institutionalized enslavement of animals is so widespread, so deep, that most of us humans don't even think about it as slavery. It is sort of normal for most of us that animals are born and then slaughtered for their meat. I would like to stress here that they are slaughtered. Human slaves weren't usually killed, they were just exploited for their work, and while one could argue that it is even worse than being raised for meat, it clearly shows that a double standard is applied to non-human animals. And I respect that. Humans first. What is a human, though? Insofar as we are a collection of cells, we are a walking zoo of oppressed and slaughtered organs. Take the skin. An average skin cell lives for about 3 months. When they are born, they are relatively close to the veins bringing nutr