
Showing posts from March, 2019

Conspicuous consumption I just read the first half of the article. Bang! If you still thought that people had moral standards and innate values, here is the wiki article to show that people are just relativizing machines who desperately try to increase their social status. Humans are experts in justifying why the shit they buy will make them happier even if with some minimal self-analysis, most could discover that the subconscious is just trying to improve their social standing. Ah, the social standing! By definition, it is what OTHERS think of you. Yet, it is one of the things we continuously try to improve. It is great to be nice to people, do favors to them. Both happy. But to incite envy in all the other talking monkeys by giving out money? So that you can get laid with a slightly higher probability with those who adhere to the same archaic system of value judgment? Yes. This is what we are. Our ticket to a pussy is a powerful and impractical