
Showing posts from January, 2021

Mars Colony to Humanity = child to you.

One idea developed at 3 different levels of depth and complexity. Level 1: TL;DR  Level 2: Abstract Level 3: The whole, detailed thing LEVEL I A Mars Colony to Humanity is like a child to you. LEVEL II If you are willing to spend 10+% of your time and resources raising your child, you should be extremely enthousiastic about colonizing Mars. How much would it cost to 'raise' Mars? LEVEL III Cost analysis of a Mars Colony - How much would it cost to 'raise' Mars?  Optimistic estimate: One standard number for the number of inhabitants of a self-sustaining, 'adult' colony is one Million people. One Starship can accomodate 100 people. Not accounting for deaths and births (assuming they will be approximately equal), that means 10 000 Starship flights for people only. These flights will have cargo, too , so let's assume that those 10 000 flights can deliver the seeds of sustainable life to Mars. This basically means that Starships will be mass p