Climate change is real but unavoidable - video script II.
Layer I. Climate change is unavoidable. It is already happening and much more climate change will occur. Because of the usefulness of fossil fuels, we will continue to burn them until there is none left. The only effective way of stopping that is by destroying civilization as we know it. And even then, the climate would continue to warm. It is not a big deal though, a bit warmer climate is actually OK. Layer II. I. Earth is warming and it will continue to do so. Human carbon dioxide emissions are responsible for it. The climate takes time to respond to increasing Carbon Dioxide Concentrations. If humanity disappeared from Earth tomorrow, the climate would still continue to warm. But humanity continues to put out ever more carbon dioxide diligently. Every year more than the year before. Not even environmentalists want to change that as it is simply impossible. Humanity has a silent agreement on burning ever more fossil fuels. The fossil fuel burning will go on for l...