How I make love
It is about being present. Losing all expectations and the meta. Just the pairs of eyes and the bodies. Giving a soothing caress and letting my body tell hers that she is safe and loved. Explore her skin and appreciate its texture. Maybe play with it and smile about it. Be with her, here and now, flow with her reactions and sense her desires. Honesty and care. Not talking to her unless she needs to hear that my voice is hers too. Falling in love with the touch and smell of her. Feel her desires. Let her be herself. Let her be the lone human who needs to be loved and be the one who will complete her. And love her. Let the body tell her what is loved about her. All the things. One by one, the hair, the shoulder, the soft, round belly, the smell, the smile, the goosebumps. Tell her everything, just no words, the body is the channel. Feel how her acceptance calms me and makes me feel safe. Be grateful for her trust and reward her with more honesty. Remain curious and inspired by her body b...