Online dating

Yeah, so I wanted to expose the conundrum between trying to win the potential woman of your life and just taking it easy while also playing the 'I ignore you' value game.

On the one hand we have the unstoppable enthousiasm over a new person whose profile we just checked out and thought: wow, now She is really different and so cool and still not too psycho, and I can already feel I love her! I should really send her some super cool message, like, witty yet funny, not too pushy but half-kinky, original but not too aggressive, wow so many things to consider... let's start with some lines about how I love two of the bands I know of her music list. Done. Not, wait, I should include that somehow in my next sentence where i'll talk how I've also been to Latin America and round off the sentence with some slick argentinian cursing. Wait, maybe not the rude one, otherwise she'll get frightened. Allright, this one is better. But it's so lacking juice, damn, I'm just gonna use the rough version and she should deal with it! If the bitch is too snowflake, then too bad! Nonono, nooo noo, I don't want to miss her chance, she is soo alive and beautiful and she seems so nice, let's just use that softer term. Good.
Now what? I mean I just want her to lay on my lap and I want to caress her face and blow on her hands and give little baby kisses to her hands while she smiles her eyes closed and lets me just make her happy and I don't have to explain my life goals to her, just shuts up and enjoy a sunny autumn afternoon on a bench in a park. Ahmmm, I digress, I should just write some more lines because, obviously, it cannot be too long, I mean this is not like an e-mail and this is just some little chat window on te bottom right corner, I mean, I guess people just write like 4 or 5 lines... hmmm. I guess there are these real dumb average types who drop 'Salu sava's but that ain't me. But it can't be too long either, otherwise she thinks I'm like desperate or some shit and I mean maybe she isn't even gonna reply at all. Maybe I am wasting my time right now trying to dumb my real feelings and true affection for her down to some chat message prose.

Allright, it could've sounded better. But I spent already way more time here looking through profiles, come on, send it, if she likes you she'll respond anyways! It's already way better than the usual 'salusava?' that she probably gets. For god's sake I spent like 20 minutes reading through her profile and insta pictures, while I should have studied cleaned the flat today, send it and be through with it!

I should really bundle these essages into a blog post. Maybe I'd have enough for a book at some point. I mean I really put a lot of mental effort into these messages and sometimes those beautiful poems are just lost to eternity!

And this whole value-game is just nuts! I mean we pretend we don't play it but every message has a hidden meta-element to it in its length, in its sophistication. Write a too long or too beautifully worded message and you come off as creepy and weird and probably psychopatic as well. I mean this guy just saw my profile, Jesus Christ, our match% is high, allright, but chill down, how about a 'I like your movie taste'? be continued.


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