Who gets the prize

In science, most people are driven by competition.

The reason they spend 12+ hours in their offices/labs is to improve their reputation within the community. They want to be the best at answering questions. They want to be the ones who the community unanimously acknowledges as the best.
Healthy, caveman-derived social status improvement loop.

I want to emphasize that these people do it for their ego ultimately and not for the adancement of sciences.
When an expert chose the field that he became an expert in, he/she chose one that seemed morally/ethically superior. But once in the field, the ego takes over and an anxious race to the intellectual peak is begun. Full of challenges, fueled by the adrenalin boost of competitive engagement, the race to the top is on.

___but ever so silenty, the branch of human knowledge that the researcher is advancing, gets richer. The field itself is feeding on the human brainpower. As a meme occupying the minds of many able scientists, not caring ultimately who wins, Science Itself grows.

Science is a virtual battlefield for bloodthirsty warriors of equations and theorems.
People do get benefits from this fierce free for all, because technologies root in sciences. This is why societies need to finence these Intellectual Battle Royales.
To be not only a spectator but a competitor in a fight like this is arguably as satisfying as a gladiator fight was 2000 years ago. But to appreciate it fully, one must be a fighter himself.



Scientists come and go but ultimately it is Science Itself that comes out on top.
Do we care about these battles or do we just want to get the resulting technologies to make ou lives better?
What if AGI (Artificial General Intelligece) can just hand science over to us? There is something about the human psyche that won't like that. We need the challenge. We like the blood. But do not worry, dear reader, AGI will know that and let us have our little gladiator fights in our football arenas as well as in the scientific discovery battlefields.

Will science one day have a consciousness on its own? What if a good enough algorithm can link all scientific publications in a way that the relevant answers will take 1 millisecond to find?

This is really just random thoughts that neeed to be worked on and fabulized and simplified and contextified to be worth the read. Maybe one day you will re-read this, Levi, and will do the necessary work to render it shareable to the world.


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