Why upload your mind?

Why do I want to :

  • upload my mind
  • extend my life
  • slow down time
  • enhance my mind's capacities
  • start a new life as an API (Artificial Personalized Intelligence)

Because :

  • I am becoming ever more aware of my limitations. I have a shitty memory, slow brain, I am often lazy, and I am possibly going to die soon.
  • I want to be a better person.
  • I want to experience deeper levels of complexity in thought.
  • I want to meet other similar minds and I want to form true friendships with them.
  • I don't want to have to choose which cool things not to do.
  • I feel like I am losing 99.9% of all possible amazing experiences.
  • I want to feel less guilt doing stuff that I love but I think is a waste of time. (eg. starcraft)
  • It seems like a very daunting, yet possible challenge.
  • My currency is consciousness.
  • I want to live to see the future, which I believe will necessarily be an amazing time to explore.
  • I want to learn from the version of myself that had way more time to get insights into the Big Questions Of Life, the Universe and Everything.
  • I want to have the capacity to actually tangibly make the world a better place.

I spent a month thinking, researching and writing about 'mind uploading'.
Some of the things I discovered are on this blog:



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