You are attention.

I'd like to show you a way of identifying yourself that you probably never thought about.
Have you ever meditated?
The coolest thing about 'meditation' is that you start to realize that you no longer have to identify with the stream of thoughts that show up in your head.
Meditation's lesson: you are not your thoughts.
What are you then?
You are the thing that chooses which thought to engage with.
You are the master of your conscious processes.
You are this very tiny part of your brain that is processing a very specific thought right now.
Everytime you are awake, you are the arbiter of what enters your attention.
You are not whatever desire has manifested in you because you saw the photo of a tasty burger or a half naked woman!
You are not the simulated discussion you are having with your sibling inside your head.
You are not your profession!
You are the light inside a human's body who decides whether or not to engage with a thought or stimulus and what to do with it, ie. what other thought or feeling it should link to.


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